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  • Books Guest Authors
  • Keto Zone Diet
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    Learn what the Keto Zone is, why the Keto Zone diet works, and how to put the Keto Zone diet to work for you. Forget every traditional dieting program you’ve heard of, or even tried. Dr. Colbert’s Keto Zone Diet revolutionizes the dieting industry by helping you lose weight without starving yourself, feeling hungry, or losing energy by following a high fat, low carb, and moderate protein diet.

  • Books DVDs
  • Wilderness Survival Guide (Book and DVD)
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    Daniel Kolenda shares on how Jesus can bring you through your "wilderness" times and experience the power of the Holy Spirit in his new booklet, SURVIVING YOUR WILDERNESS. In it you will learn why we experience wilderness times and how we should respond to them.

  • Books Guest Authors
  • Divine Appointments
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    God wants to use you - every day, if you will let Him. He will set up "divine appointments," times when His Holy Spirit can work through you to spread the good news, heal the sick, and help others live a full life in Christ. God has an agenda for His people- are you willing to respond to His call?

  • DVDs Guest Authors
  • Voice of God DVD
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    This second movie from filmmakers Art Thomas and James Loruss — presented in two parts on 2 DVDs — will take you on a journey of discovering and encountering God’s thoughts for you and your life. You’ll also learn solid advice for operating in healthy prophetic ministry as the Spirit leads.

  • Bundles Guest Authors
  • Power to Deliver (Book) + Power to Deliver Ministry Manual
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    In addition to the book, "Power to Deliver" the step-by-step ministry manual for individuals and teams contains practical instruction on how to bring spiritual deliverance to oppressed and tormented people who desire freedom.

  • Books Guest Authors
  • Power to Deliver
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    Stephen Beauchamp provides practical and scriptural tools for every Christian who wants to grow in their knowledge of the spiritual realm and overcome spiritual attacks from the enemy.

  • Books
  • (2 copies) Breaking the Stronghold of Food
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    Are you sick and tired of being overweight? Are you convinced that God has a better way, but simply can't seem to break through? If you want to break free from the stronghold of food and discover a wonderful new way of life, this book will show you the way. To make any lasting, worthwhile changes, there must be a renewing of one’s mind to a new way of thinking.

  • Books Guest Authors
  • Hyper Grace (Book)
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    At a time when the church needs an urgent wake-up call and a fresh encounter with Jesus, the hyper-grace message is lulling many to sleep. Without watering down the Bible’s true message of grace, Michael Brown gives you the facts, demonstrating the dangers of this seductive message and showing you how to keep from being taken in.

  • Books Guest Authors
  • 30-Day Faith Detox
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    Using a one-month detox structure, spiritual wellness expert and certified nutritional counselor Laura Harris Smith uncovers 30 universal faith-toxins that affect us all. Each day you will discover Scripture, prayers, and faith declarations to cleanse yourself spiritually and emotionally with truth and a biblical perspective.

  • Books Reinhard Bonnke
  • Holy Spirit: Are We Flammable or Fireproof?
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    There is a dynamic, dead-raising power on the inside of you. Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke has penned some strong teachings on the Holy Spirit for you and has written dynamic Points of Power on the Holy Spirit (Fire Points). This book will challenge your thinking on the Holy Spirit and inspire you to believe in the amazing power of the Spirit within you.

  • DVDs Guest Authors
  • Revival Every Day! (DVD)
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    Filmmaker Warren Marcus shares what he has learned from documenting revivals.

  • Books Guest Authors
  • Praying From the Heavenly Realms
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    Have you ever been discouraged by unanswered prayers? This is far from what God intends for His people! Kevin Zadai offers you the key to seeing your prayers answered: accessing your dual citizenship in heaven and earth! According to Scripture, we inhabit both the natural and heavenly realms at once. The secret to answered prayers is listening to the words spoken in heaven and releasing them into your life. These are prayers that God always answers!