Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



Documented Decisions for Christ and Counting



For over 50 years, Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke and Evangelist Daniel Kolenda have been conducting crusades world-wide. Here, you can read detailed accounts of each CfaN crusade! You will see people coming to Christ by the millions! You can experience first-hand reports and testimonies from Evangelist Daniel Kolenda and Christ for all Nations Crusade Team! Witness what the Lord is doing around the world, and be encouraged to believe Him for the miracle you need in your life today!

Lagos, Nigeria


Lagos means “lakes” in Portuguese, and is the most populous city in Nigeria. Lagos is also the second fast-growing city in Africa.

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A Witchdoctor Receives Jesus!

Final Day

Our Gospel Crusade has just come to an end here in Harare, Zimbabwe. Despite the bitter cold weather, the attendance almost doubled over last night! The government minister of religion attended two of the evening meetings this week. It is an epic event in this region that has gotten lots of attention. The services are being broadcasted on the radio. It seems everyone has heard of what is going on.

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Deadly Accidents!

Day 2

Tonight, on our way home from the meeting, we passed three terrible accidents. An epidemic of drunk driving causes many deadly crashes here. I’ve never seen anything like it.

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Back After 30 Years

Day 1

Tonight, was the first meeting of our Gospel campaign here in Harare, Zimbabwe. The weather is quite cold here – only 3° C (about 37° F). It’s quite amazing that the people came out in such cold conditions, both in the morning and night, to stand outside for hours! It is a remarkable demonstration of the tremendous hunger here.

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Hungry for a Move of God


The people of Harare, Zimbabwe are hungry for a move of God.

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